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March 8 is worth celebrating

8 mars 2010, 03:07, par Mo Hobeyl

On the occasion of IWD 2010 i wish all women ( and men too) a Happy IWD. MArch 8 coincides happily with my BD.

My BD is on March 8

Tomorrow is my BD. BD stands for birth day. Just to let you know a bit about me.
I hope im not bothering you.
Tomorrow I will be one year older. How does this feel ?
Well, I will be just a little bit wiser. And that’s quite something. Wisdom is precious and hard to get. I am not one to fear advancing in time. I believe there are good times in the future. I am on good cheer.
How old am I now ? I’m not telling you. My age is not measured in years. I am as young as I think and I am moving with the flow. I am not frozen in time. I accept the motion of time.

This reminds me about a woman I once happened to ask about her age for a purpose she was so interested in. She answered me “28 “. We left it at that.
As time never stops, years went by. Five years later I met with her again by pure chance and while having lunch together I wanted to kid her in a “gentle way” and asked her :

 “How old are you now ?”
 “ 28 “ she replied

She sure forgot but I rarely do.
I didn’t tell her that was five years ago. I never hurt the feelings of other people but I never understood the reason why people are reluctant about their age. They often tell white lies about it. And that certainly doesn’t include me because I tell nothing at all.

Okay now. Can you guess what im going to do on my BD ?
You are allowed 5 minutes guessing time. I‘ll get back to you.

March 8 is worldwide celebrated as a “female stuff”. I perceive it as sign of fertility and acknowledgment of the absolute role women play in life on the planet earth.
Someone may say “Hey Mo this sounds like a big talk “
But it’s true. Isn’t it ? I am just reflecting the image. Nothing of my own.

Did you guess something ?
I’ll tell you : I am going to pay a visit to the orphans and let them feel there’s someone out there who cares about them and that they are not left alone in the middle of no time. By the way the orphans do not hesitate a second to tell you their exact age, if ever they really know about it. Some do not know.
It’s a sad story but it’s part of life on earth, it’s part of female stuff worldwide celebrated.
There’s no place or room or drink and eat for the orphans in this “worldwide celebration”. This time last year same place same scene a tiny cute baby girl of no more than 1 year of age looked at me when I got closer to her.
She smiled and murmured “ “ I got tears in my eyes.
I better stop ...... see you next time.

I wish you all, women and men, a very happy year !
I’ll wish the orphans the same vividly. and would love to hear from you.

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