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Anthology of Québec Women’s Plays in English Translation, Volume I (1966-1986)

6 mars 2007

The first time this many Québec plays have been published in one volume. Most of these plays are published here for the first time in English.

Anthology of Québec Women’s Plays in English Translation, Volume I, (1966-1986). Published by Playwrights Canada Press, Toronto, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-88754-868-0 $55.00)</b/

This collection of plays, edited by Louise H. Forsyth, is intended to provide access in English to some of the best plays written in Québec during the exciting years of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Amazing in their rich variety, most of these plays are published here for the first time in English - all have been published and performed at least once in French.

This volume contains the translation of the following eleven plays in their entirety : Le Temps sauvage [The Savage Season] by Anne Hébert (tr. Pamela Grant and Gregory Reid of the Centre Anne Hébert, Université de Sherbrooke), Double jeu [Playing Double] by Françoise Loranger (tr. Louise H. Forsyth), Bien à moi [Mine Sincerely] by Marie Savard (tr. Louise H. Forsyth), Evangéline deusse [Evangeline the Second] by Antonine Maillet (tr. Luis de Céspedes), L’Océan [The Ocean] by Marie-Claire Blais (tr. Ray Chamberlain), La Nef des sorcières [A Clash of Symbols] by Luce Guilbeault et al (tr. Linda Gaboriau), Les Fées ont soif [The Fairies are Thirsty] by Denise Boucher (tr. Alan Brown), Moman [Mommy] by Louisette Dussault (tr. Linda Gaboriau), La Terre est trop courte Violette Leduc [The Edge of Earth is Too Near, Violette Leduc] by Jovette Marchessault (tr. Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood), L’Homme gris [Night] by Marie Laberge (tr. Rina Fraticelli), and Marie-Antoine, Opus 1 [Marie-Antoine, Opus One] by Lise Vaillancourt (tr. Jill MacDougall).

The volume also contains an introduction to each play and author, a general introduction and a selected bibliography.

For more information please contact Annie Gibson :

E-mail : Editor
Web site :

On Sisyphe, March 6, 2007

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