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Rhéa Jean, PH.D.

Rhéa Jean has completed a PhD in Philosophy (2011) from the Université de Sherbrooke and Université Laval. Her thesis was about how prostitution limits women’s sexual autonomy. Since then, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg). She has published mainly on feminism and on the question of prostitution. She is also a founding member of La CLES (Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle - the Concertation of Struggles Against Sexual Exploitation), a NGO based in Montreal (active since 2004) seeking alternatives for women involved in the sex industry, and is frequently invited by different organizations to share her view on the ethical questions raised by prostitution.



“Harm reduction” is not enough to appropriately analyze prostitution , par Rhéa Jean, PH.D.

This has led certain social workers and activists calling for the legalization of prostitution to believe that this social issue also requires a harm reduction approach without giving too much thought to the nevertheless fundamental distinctions between prostitution and addictions to substances such as heroin or alcohol.

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