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mercredi 3 mars 2010
International Conference - Solidarity with women’s struggle in the world For freedom, equality, security and secularism

International conference to celebrate 8 March, International Women’s Day 2010

Solidarity with women’s struggle in the world For freedom, equality, security and secularism.

Date : Saturday 6 March, 2010
Venue : Göteborgs Stadsmuseum Norra Hamngatan 12, Gothenburg, Sweden>br>
Time : 13-19.30

Speakers :

  • Nawal el Sadawi, writer and veteran women’s rights activist from Egypt is our guest of honour
  • Malalai Joya, well-know women’s rights activist and ex-member of parliament, Afghanistan
  • Hugo Estrella, President of Centre for Inquiry, Italy
  • Maria Guaman, lawyer, immigration rights, Sweden
  • Lilian Halls-French, president of European Feminist Initiative, France
  • Marieme Helie Lucas, founder of WLUML and coordinator of SIAWI, Algeria/France
  • Parvin Kaboli,
  • Azar Majedi, writer, President of OWL and coordination member of EFI Iran/England
  • Cris Mc.Curley, Solicitor, working with women suffering from honour violence
  • Gjuner Nebiu, Presidnet of Antico, Macedonia
  • Maria Rachidi, the chair of Women’s Rights Association and Member of co-ordination committee of Network against honour related violence Sweden/Iran
  • Gudrun TIBBE Tiberg, journalist, Responsible for Women for Peace and politically active for the Feministic initiative (FI), in western Sweden
  • Nina Sankari, Vice president of Polish Rationalist Association, President of EFI-Polan

    Press Conference :

    Friday 5 March at 14.00
    Medusahuset, Viktoriahuset samlingssal,
    Linnegatan 21B

    Contacts :

    <http://"mailto:majedi.azar@gma...> Courriel
    Site Web
    Tel. : 0046 737262622


    On line, February 27, 2010

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