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dimanche 9 mai 2010
Oppression machine of the Regime in Iran has silence the voice of five more activists !

par Homa Arjomand

The Islamic state of Iran today, May 9th, 2010, hanged five more activists to further their goal of terrorizing the people in Iran. We are well aware that the regimeâs crime will not end today until people in Iran along and concerned citizens globally, put these murderers and all those who have helped this regime on trial in an international court.

We demand an immediate expulsion of the Islamic Republic of Iran from all international agencies, and prosecution of the regime’s leaders for their daily heinous state crimes. 

Homa Arjomand, Coordinator of the International Campaign to Closedown Iranian Embassies is calling a press conference where she and other activists will demand Prime Minister Stephen Harper and all members of the Canadian parliament to support the people of Iran and break all its diplomatic relations with the Iranian Regime.

"We declare that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the head of state terrorism and controls the state terrorism machinery in Iran. He is responsible for summary trials, Islamic retribution, execution and torture. We further declare that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the principal sponsor of the Political Islamic Movement, not only in the region but also globally" said, Homa Arjomand.

The protestors claim the entire regime of Iran is responsible for terrorizing people globally and sustaining terrorism in everyway Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his government can. They further declare the recent hanging of five activists and defender of human rights are an expansion of the 150,000 executions done by this regime.

Human Rights Activists will gather at the following locations :

Location : Queen’s Park, Toronto
Date : Monday, May 10, 2010, at 5:00 PM

An open microphone will also be available for other concerned individuals attending the protest. They will be able to expose the crimes and human rights abuses of this Iranian regime and the leading terrorist, President Ahmadinejad.

About the Campaign

Homa Arjomand is the Coordinator of the International Campaign Against Sharia Court in Canada. She started the campaign against Sharia court in Toronto in October 2003 with a handful of supporters, and today it has grown to a coalition of 87 organizations from 14 countries with over a thousand activists. In February 2006, the Ontario Government passed legislation which ended the use of religious laws for family arbitration. Since then, the Campaign has focused its efforts on stopping political Islam globally. Homa is now Coordinator of a campaign called "The International Campaign to Close Down Iranian Embassies" and spokesperson of "Wanted by People".

Media Contact : Ms. Homa Arjomand

For more info visit :



On Sisyphe, May 9, 2010

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