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dimanche 11 juillet 2010
Campaign to Stop Polygamy

Polygamy (one man having multiple wives) has expanded greatly in the last decade in countries where governments aggressively suppress freedom and secularism and where religious and regional cultures that legitimize polygamy were able to gain dominance. The expansion of polygamy in the west is due to the increased dominance of right wing parties with a large fundamentalist religious support base, coupled with misdirected multiculturalism that encourages cultural ghettos. Although polygamy in these countries is illegal, it is met with little opposition.

In places such as England, the government has even given tax breaks to men with second wives. In Norway, France, Germany and the Netherlands there are reports indicating an increasing number of men with multiple wives. After nine women from Bountiful filed charges of sexual abuse of girls as young as 13 involved in polygamous relationships, shamefully, Canada funded a $150 000 study, that recommended that Canada legalize and decriminalize polygamy.

For more information please read the full report. It is clear that the movement of equality for women is under serious attack. It is critical that immediate action be taken to protect the erosion of our social and cultural norms. Polygamy belongs to a prehistoric time. Legalizing it would only put us back in that same place. Polygamy generally occurs in marginalized communities and countries where women have not gained equality with men and are considered second class. Legalizing polygamy would cause further inequality between men and women. Legalizing polygamy means legalizing degrading, male-chauvinism, and the patriarchal treatment of women in marginalized communities. Polygamy must not only be illegal, it must also be recognized as a crime. All men involve in polygamous relationships must face serious consequences. There should be no exceptions made for immigrants coming from so called Islamic countries.

 See full petition.

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<http://www.thepetitionsite.com/feed...> Homa Arjomand, ChildrenFirstNow/NoSharia Court in Canada

On Sisyphe, July 4, 2010

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