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dimanche 10 avril 2011
A free Public Conference : How Stephen Harper’s government destroyed Canada’s reputation

An Alternative Globalization Organization “Another World is Possible” - Citizens in Action

Together we can make a difference

Citizens in Action, a non-profit, non-partisan, progressive group of concerned citizens, dedicated to economic & social justice, presents :

A Free Public Conference on
“The Right, did Wrong”
How Stephen Harper’s government destroyed Canada’s reputation as an
honest broker and lost the vote for a seat at the UN Security Council
By Guest Speaker & writer 
Yves Engler

Author of the “Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy” & other books. He has been dubbed as one of the most important voices on the Canadian Left today, equal to I. F. Stone. His books have been praised by Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Rick Salutin and many others.

Date : Tuesday, April 19, 2011.
Place : Concordia Hall Bldg.
1455 de Maisonneuve Bldvd. West, (corner Bishop)
room : 760 (right in front of the elevator on the 7th floor)
Time : 7.00 p.m. sharp

Harper’s Conservatives have gone out of their way to make enemies and alienate countries around the world. Under Harper, Canada has repeatedly sabotaged international climate negotiations ; obstructed efforts to reschedule the Congo’s debt ; failed to cut aid to the Honduran military government after it removed elected president Manuel Zelaya ; repeatedly criticized the Venezuelan government ; signed a free-trade agreement with Latin America’s most repressive state ; militarized aid to Haiti ; flew fighter jets near Russian airspace ; unconditionally supported Israel against the Palestinians, paved the way for a possible attack on Iran ; rejected a proposal to make diplomatic and financial support for resource companies operating overseas contingent upon socially responsible conduct ; supported torture in Afghanistan and embraced an increasingly violent counterinsurgency war. The result ? Canada has few friends left on the international scene. 

N. B. We usually meet once a month, to tackle a different political issue, at Concordia Hall bldg. room 760.

For further information, please call the founder & coordinator of the group, Nadia Alexan, at tel. (514) 846-0644, or e-mail.

On Sisyphe, April 10, 2011

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