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Order of Canada Awarded to Dr. Morgentaler - Acts of intimidation should not rule Canada
9 juillet 2008
Action Canada for Population and Development Commends Dr. Henry Morgentaler for His Contribution to Women’s Rights in Canada and Launches a On-line Petition.
Ottawa, July 9, 2008 - Action Canada for Population and Development urges Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, to stand firm by the decision to honour Dr Morgentaler with the Order of Canada. "As members of the extreme religious right protest today at the Governor General’s home, we call on all fair-minded Members of Parliament, members of the Order of Canada and Canadian women and men, to take a stand and denounce the invasive intimidation against the Governor General and to express strong support for this historic decision, for the sake of women’s rights", says Katherine McDonald, Action Canada for Population and Development Executive Director.
Action Canada for Population and Development salutes Dr. Henry Morgentaler for his contribution to women’s rights in Canada. His continuing work to ensure access to abortion for women in Canada, to open clinics where services were not available, to fight for universal funding for abortion services, and to provide medical services for women in need show his commitment to the medical profession, to universal healthcare, and to the women of Canada.
Reproductive rights are key components of women’s equality rights. If women and men, especially young people, are able to negotiate sexual relationships equipped with the knowledge and services they need, then many unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, will be prevented. The decision whether or not to have an abortion rests with women, and that decision must be based on her deeply held beliefs, after careful consideration of all options, not on the beliefs of the religious right.
"Admitting Dr. Morgentaler as a member of the Order of Canada is especially fitting during the 20th anniversary of the historic decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, recognizing that Canada’s laws criminalizing abortion violates women’s human rights to control their bodies," concludes Katherine McDonald.
ACPD is a human rights advocacy organization that seeks to enhance the quality of life of women, men and children by promoting progressive policies in the field of international development with a primary focus on reproductive and sexual rights and health and an emerging focus on international migration and development.
Note : Petition is available on-line at Johanne Fillion
Director, Communications/Directrice des communications
Action Canada for Population and Development (ACPD)/Action Canada pour la population et le développement– Web Site.
La version française de ce communiqué sera publiée bientôt.
The Hill : Back door abortion law
The Conservatives are bringing in anti-abortion legislation by the back door. And it’s perfectly legal.
That way Prime Minister Stephen Harper does not have to break the election promise he made not to recriminalize abortion.His backbench Conservative MPs are doing the job for him, with a little help from some Liberals. It’s a complicated plan, using four members’ private bills which would give a fetus the legal status of an "unborn child" - a major step towards going to the Supreme Court with a Charter challenge to ban abortion.
The "unborn child" strategy has worked in 37 U.S. states where abortion has been made illegal or severely restricted.
Canada is the only major developed country where there is no abortion law. This angers the Christian Right.
Conservative MPs have been getting help from U.S. Right to Life groups, the Catholic Church, and evangelical Protestant groups. (...)– Read full story here.
On Sisyphe, July 9, 2008