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Abby Lippman, geneticist , McGill University in Montreal

Professor at the Departement of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of McGill University, Abby Lippman divides her life between academia and activism, teaching and doing research (McGill University), and devoting long hours to extensive community work (provincially and nationally). A long-time feminist critic of genetic and reproductive technologies and of "geneticization," she’s been a member of national and international groups that deal with social
justices issues related to women’s health.



Hormone Replacement Therapy, the "Magic Bullet" Ricochets , par Abby Lippman, geneticist , McGill University in Montreal

La malbouffe n’est pas toujours un choix personnel , par Abby Lippman, geneticist , McGill University in Montreal

Abby Lippman commente les facteurs qui influencent ce que les médias qualifient d’ "épidémie" d’obésité dans la société québécoise et pointe les politiques gouvernementales touchant l’alimentation.

Good clone, bad clone ? , par Abby Lippman, geneticist , McGill University in Montreal

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