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dimanche 1er août 2010
Conference on Effect of globalization of political Islam on Women’s Rights, in question with Polygamy, Neqab and Honor Killing

International Campaign Against Shari’a Court in Canada
Conference on Effect of globalization of political Islam on Women’s Rights,
in question with Polygamy, Neqab and Honor Killing

. The problem of legal pluralism and cultural relativism with respect to women’s Rights

. Discussion on separation of religion from state

Confirmed Speakers :

Debbie Palmer

Raised in polygamy, Debbie was only 15 when her father gave her away to a 57 year old man. She would become his 6th wife and stepmother. It was only after her third ’celestial marriage’ that she found the courage to run from the community with her 8 children. She is a leading activist against polygamy. A documentary film about the life of Debbie Palmer, a plural wife in the polygamous colony has been made which is the story of systemic sexual abuse and the subjugation of basic human rights, tolerated by Canadian and American authorities because it is cloaked in the guise of religious freedom.

Azar Majedie

Social and political activist, founder of the Organization for Women’s Liberation – Iran, founder of Mansoor Hekmat foundation, producer and host of several TV programs in Farsi and English on New Channel TV, a satellite TV broadcasting into Iran under the name of No to Political Islam, co-founder of the Center for Women and Socialism, editor of Medusa, the director of Radio International, a radio station broadcasting into Iran.

Tarek Fatah

"Political activist, author, newspaper, columnist and radio commentator, Fatah is the founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress. An advocate for the separation of religion and state, he has fought against Islamism for over 40 years. His book chasing a Mirage : The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State, was shortlisted for the Donner Prize. His next book, The Jew is Not My Enemy will be on bookshelves in October this year."

Homa Arjomand

Political and social activist, strong advocator of secularism, advocator of women’s, children’s and gay and lesbian rights, founder of, Children First Now, co-ordinator of the International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada (nosharia.com, Campaign against
polygamy, Campaign against Honor killing, actively participated in One School System Network in Ontario, Spokesperson of Women’s liberation.

Conference MC

Sheila Ayala

Bio Active participant in the Canadian humanist movement, author of several articles published in the Humanist in Canada (now Humanist Perspectives), the International Humanist News and the Canadian Freethinker, took an active part on the campaign to prevent Islamic Sharia law being implemented in Ontario.

Steve Scholtz

Steve Scholtz has toured across Canada and has appeared on televised Comedy Network specials such as "The Cream Of Comedy". Steve began his Stand up in Calgary where he was an instant hit. After winning the Calgary Competition for new comics he moved to Toronto. There, Steve won the Funniest Person With a Day Jobä and was nominated for the Tim Sims Encouragement Award which was televised for The Comedy Network on The Cream of Comedy.

Hosted by :
Women’s Liberation
The International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada
Campaign against Honor Killing
Campaign against Polygamy
The International Campaign to close down Iranian Embassies

When : Friday August 13, 2010
Time : 6:30PM-9:30PM
Where : North York Civic Centre,
5100 Yong Street, Toronto

For more information contact :

Jalil Behroozi : 416-737-9500
Mahmoud Ahmadi : 416-953-9750

On Sisyphe, August 1, 2010

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