You went to the end of your voice Andrea
Your clear voice carried by a just rage
Always pushing beyond limits
Stripping away illusions one by one
With your words of fire and freedom
You went to the end of your voice Andrea
Your voice we had learned to rely on
At every turn of our lives
At every denial of our rights
Inviting us to reject fear intimidation
The comfort of silence and submission
You went to the end of your voice Andrea
Rare among us were those
Who had lived what they denounced
Marital violence which hits and humiliates
Prostitution which destroys to the innermost depths
Pornography and its dehumanizing hatred
For a long time you had known the ashes of horror
You went to the end of your brilliant intelligence Andrea
Allied to Catharine MacKinnon the other indomitable one
You denounced the left as you did organized crime
As you did the untouchable devious freedom of expression
You gorged the words with your unflinching passion
For the integrity the dignity of women
Their indestructible right to be free and love each other
Taking back the night will never be the same without you
You gave your voice the fullness of a fight to the finish
Your life the generous power of a turbulent river
That your untimely death cannot ever dry up
Your voice has not left with you Andrea
Beyond our sorrow and the void left by your departure
It is passed from one woman to the other like a torch
Reminding us of the incorruptible beauty of courage
April 14, 2005
Translated by the author with the friendly collaboration of Lise Weil and Philippe de Massy.
Voir en français : L’envers de la nuit.
Online April 19, 2005.
Have joined their signature to that of the author to express their deep sorrow following the death of Andrea Dworkin :
Micheline Carrier, journalist and editor of Sisyphe website
Louky Bersianik, poet, novelist and essayist
Louise Vandelac, professor of sociology at the University of Quebec in Montreal
Lise Weil, editor of Trivia Voices of Feminism
Richard Poulin, professor of sociology at the University of Ottawa
To sign Andrea Dworkin’s memorial, go to her site and give the address to your friends and allies.